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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I clean my jewelry?

We recommend you clean your jewelry with our bling stick at least twice a month or however often you would like (depending on how often you wear a piece of jewelry).

  1. How long is the processing time for custom jewelry?

Custom jewelry may take between 2-3 weeks for production and 2-3 days for shipping. These time-frames may also vary.

  1. Do the products change color?

All our products are high-quality and made with gold plated or sterling silver which promotes longevity. Our products will not change if they are properly taken care of. Keep away from excessive water and other harmful products such as bleach, ammonia, etc.

  1. How will I know if my order has been shipped?

As soon as your order leaves our warehouse, our system automatically sends you a shipping confirmation email with your tracking number. Click on the tracking number and you can access to-the-minute location information.

  1. I put the wrong address, or made a mistake on my order, can you change it?

If you receive an order confirmation email and notice a mistake with the order, please call us at 561-639-3933 or email If it’s after business hours, leave us a clear and detailed message with your name, phone number, and your order number (if available).

  1. What warranty do you offer?

We have a no-refund policy. All sales are final. 

  1. Where do I add a coupon code?

When you are ready to complete your order, go to the checkout page and you will see a box to add coupon code and click on apply coupon button.

  1. Why should I provide my real email and phone number when I order?

I don’t want spam.Your information stays privately with us and we wouldn’t ever want to spam you. It’s important to have a way for our customer service team to contact you about your order so nothing surprising happens! Inaccurate credit card information is a finger’s slip away and occasionally your selection is so stellar that it’s on back-order. We also want to make sure you get our email confirmation as a record of the order. Working with customers makes us happy; we just need a way to keep the lines of communication open.

  1. How long is the shipping time?

Shipping time frame for orders that are NOT custom orders are between 3-7 days. 

  1. Do you offer local pick-up services?

Local pick-up for your orders are available around the Broward County areas. Please add local pick-up at check out if you are willing to pick-up your item(s).